Soil RX 2.5lbs Free With Code: FREE4ME

Soil RX 2.5lbs Free With Code: FREE4ME


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Return Policy

All items carry a 30 day guarantee.
  1. We cannot accept returns of products once they have been opened. We recommend that before opening each product please check its packaging and label carefully to be sure you received the correct product and version. We will issue a refund on unused items that are returned to us within 30 days of the purchase date in unopened bags or containers. We will refund the purchase price of the seed, minus a 20% restocking fee. The customer is responsible for the return shipping charges for any item they wish to return under our return terms. Return shipping to us is at your own expense.
  2. If the item is defective, the item can be exchanged, store credit issued or refunded in full less the shipping costs to and from the customer once the item is evaluated by one of our technicians.
  3. Shipping and handling charges are not refundable. The customer is responsible for shipping charges and insurance on all return shipments including defective items.
  4. All products returned to us must be accompanied by a valid Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number issued by us within 30 days of your original invoice date. 
  5. All special order items are not refundable unless defective.
  6. Any Seed Treatments or Chemicals are Not refundable.
  7. On any items that qualify for free shipping, the customer is responsible for the Return Shipping.
  8. Changes is Approved orders that recived bulk duscounts can be adjusted to reflect changes to the original order.
